Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Went and saw this with my daughter because she begged me to see it and have to admit I did not want to see this movie. After viewing this film I had a different view and would recommend this film. The characters were vibrant colorful and full of life. Upbeat singing and visions of hope with viable life lessons instilled within the story as well. The song selection was appropriate for the segments along with the beats matches the edits within the film. The story line was easy to follow and understandable and enjoyable to the audience. Overall the film was successful and turned my perspective from being a ugh why do  I want to see this to involved and enjoying a fun filled movie

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Billy Bob Thorton has returned in the comical film Bad Santa 2. He is joined by Marcus, Thurman, and Sunny in another holiday theft. Billy Bob picked up where he left off with his drunken bad attitude for anyone he saw fit. Brett Kelly who played Thruman didn't miss a beat with being clueless to what was going one through the story but, kept his focus on Willie being his family even if they weren't blood. Marcus wasn't as snarky as he was in the original and would have liked to see more of the character brought out into the story then portrayed. Kathy Bates as Sunny Soke, Willie's mom took on a very different role. She was very entertaining and made the mother son relationship believable to the viewers. Overall very funny film, the laughs kept rolling and a must see.  

Monday, September 19, 2016

Media Journal

For my electronic media class we had to keep a journal of our mass media usage. Over the course of the week I learned, I used 11 hours and 24 min worth of radio, 12 hours and 40 min for television, and 20 solid hours for internet usage. Combined I used 44 hours and 3 min worth of use out of the roughly 126 hours a week that I am awake. With that being said thats over a 1/3 of my waking hours in conscious media usage just from these three categories. Mind blown? How much more was associated with unconscious use? Possible another 1/3 or more. How can we escape media, where can we go but to a isolated area in the world with no technology and no one else around. The fact is every waking minute is reflected to some sort of mass media from what you are eating, watching, or other people. Mass media is almost inescapable and with a ever growing market in radio, tv, and internet advertising through each other there is no end in sight.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Don't Breathe is a movie about three individuals whom rob houses, discover a retired veteran came into a large settlement from his daughter's death. I know from the opening here it sounds rather messed up until you see the story develop. Rocky, Alex, and Money break into the blind veteran's house in search of where he keeps over a million dollars hidden. Upon entering the home they did not take into account the heightened senses of the blind man. While much of the movie seems unrealistic in the perspective of the blind man and how quickly he can get around Stephen Lang(The Blind Veteran) was great at his roll. The blind man locks the three in when he discovers they are in the house and tries to hunt down and kill each of them while they try and figure a way out with the money. The characters eventually make there way to the basement and discover the blind veteran had kept the woman that killed his daughter chained up, forced to give birth to another child for him to replace his daughter. While escaping the blind veteran accidentally shoots the chained woman killing her. Overall only Rocky makes it out of the house alive with the money where she and her sister move out to California. I saw this film more as a thriller than a horror but, all in all the movie held my attention the story and characters fit their roles. The movie held my attention for every second it was playing and I recommend seeing this film.  

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Hello, my name is Danny and I am in my last semester at Frederick Community College. I am majoring in Digital Media Design involving film editing, television directing, and producing , and technical directing. I like to keep my mind thinking all the time so, I involve myself with puzzles or problem solving activities to keep my brain active. I study film, film techniques and try to figure out and learn the background world of film as it is what I'm majoring in and the field I am currently working in as well. I enjoy being outdoors playing sports, interacting with friends, family functions ect. I love football my favorite team is the Patriots, currently I'm trying to get my foot in the door running camera or video editing for the Redskins or the Ravens since they are close by is my next goal after graduation to further my career in film. Anything else feel free to ask I am not shy!