Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Hello, my name is Danny and I am in my last semester at Frederick Community College. I am majoring in Digital Media Design involving film editing, television directing, and producing , and technical directing. I like to keep my mind thinking all the time so, I involve myself with puzzles or problem solving activities to keep my brain active. I study film, film techniques and try to figure out and learn the background world of film as it is what I'm majoring in and the field I am currently working in as well. I enjoy being outdoors playing sports, interacting with friends, family functions ect. I love football my favorite team is the Patriots, currently I'm trying to get my foot in the door running camera or video editing for the Redskins or the Ravens since they are close by is my next goal after graduation to further my career in film. Anything else feel free to ask I am not shy!

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