Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Don't Breathe is a movie about three individuals whom rob houses, discover a retired veteran came into a large settlement from his daughter's death. I know from the opening here it sounds rather messed up until you see the story develop. Rocky, Alex, and Money break into the blind veteran's house in search of where he keeps over a million dollars hidden. Upon entering the home they did not take into account the heightened senses of the blind man. While much of the movie seems unrealistic in the perspective of the blind man and how quickly he can get around Stephen Lang(The Blind Veteran) was great at his roll. The blind man locks the three in when he discovers they are in the house and tries to hunt down and kill each of them while they try and figure a way out with the money. The characters eventually make there way to the basement and discover the blind veteran had kept the woman that killed his daughter chained up, forced to give birth to another child for him to replace his daughter. While escaping the blind veteran accidentally shoots the chained woman killing her. Overall only Rocky makes it out of the house alive with the money where she and her sister move out to California. I saw this film more as a thriller than a horror but, all in all the movie held my attention the story and characters fit their roles. The movie held my attention for every second it was playing and I recommend seeing this film.  

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