Monday, September 19, 2016

Media Journal

For my electronic media class we had to keep a journal of our mass media usage. Over the course of the week I learned, I used 11 hours and 24 min worth of radio, 12 hours and 40 min for television, and 20 solid hours for internet usage. Combined I used 44 hours and 3 min worth of use out of the roughly 126 hours a week that I am awake. With that being said thats over a 1/3 of my waking hours in conscious media usage just from these three categories. Mind blown? How much more was associated with unconscious use? Possible another 1/3 or more. How can we escape media, where can we go but to a isolated area in the world with no technology and no one else around. The fact is every waking minute is reflected to some sort of mass media from what you are eating, watching, or other people. Mass media is almost inescapable and with a ever growing market in radio, tv, and internet advertising through each other there is no end in sight.

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